

A Pumpkin grew out of the compost pile, and then flowers start to emerge, but then it seams that something was cutting them, and leaving in the grass, without eating them, I was confused.

Flor macho

Until a friend explained to me, male flowers bloom and fall, and female flowers have the fruit.
Flor hembra

I had learn this in elementary school, I just didn't remember it.

Flor hembra y su fruto

I'm so excited about growing things for the first time, that I go out to the backyard with my camera every morning.

What about you?  What is blooming in your garden?

Have a nice weekend!


Xi said...

¿Qué bichitos son esos? No los reconocí. Tal vez ni existan por acá.
El mi jardín está floreciendo una lila, un ciruelo y un jacinto. Nada más. Todavía es invierno.


La Chili said...

Son avispas.

Gracias linda, un abrazo.

Xi said...

¿Avispas? Eso me asusta un poco.

Muchas gracias por informarme sobre la linaza. Ignoraba por completo aquello. Lo eliminé de inmediato de la receta para que nadie le coloque ese semilla.

¿Y los bichos de arriba son babosas?


Julie said...

Your very own pumpkin patch, love it! I've never grown pumpkins before, but they're on my list for next yr.

La Chili said...

It;s funny I didn't even plant them Julie, it just grew out of the compost pile, they are very cute, but expand a lot and take all the garden space very fast, I don't care because this year I had not much else planted.

Pues a mí no me dan miedo estas avispitas, pero tampoco me les acerco mucho, en general están ocupadas en su asunto del néctar.
Que bueno po rlo de la linaza.
Un abrazo.