
Kids clothes week spring 2012

I'm going to participate, it looks like fun.
You can sing on, here.

Saco de vestir para niño

I'll try to finish this outfit for my son, he wants to dress all elegant, as a musical director, he says.

Saco de vestir para niño

And a bow tie and maybe this shirt that I cut long ago.

Cortes para la camisita

In general I want to take all projects that have been waiting, we'll see.


Yarn Along :: Easter

Yarn Along it's a day of the week to share what you are knitting and reading created by Ginny, you can add your post here every Wed. or to the flickr group any day.


I wanted to share the eggs I made them with this pattern, also a bunny family that came out late but is very loved. Here my notes and pattern.

Familia coneja

I'm also knitting the Melker Cardigan for my son. I finished reading Your Five Year Old very useful as the whole series of books. I also found this reading useful for mom's of boys.
I'm reading now Traditional foods are your best medicine that I will recommend very much.

Yarn Along

I'm also knitting a diaper cover in this delicious bamboo yarn.

Cubierta de encargo

What about you?