
Night Horror

Have you explored your garden at night?

I did it today, and I'm still sick in my stomach, knowing what this could mean. I don't know what to do. I put a salt barrier from the garden, so they will not come into the house, but it would fade with the rain in two or three days. And I can't put salt on the plants because it would burn them. I tried crushed egg shell barriers, that don't seams to work.

DSCF9763Horror nocturno

Does you have an advice for me? 

They were in all sizes, brown and grey, the biggest should be 3 inches.

I will read to try to find a solution, maybe Fukoka or Jhon Jeavons have write on it, o maybe this book I this book I have.

Escargot anyone?


Xi said...

Mi abuela tenía un remedio casero para las babosas. Era en base a tabaco. Voy a preguntarle a mi padre si es que lo recuerda.

Mi microempresa es piopio.cl échale un vistazo.

Voy a intentar hacer el pizarrón esta semana ya te contaré cómo queda.


S/V Mari Hal-O-Jen said...

Set out beer in a bowl. They'll be drawn to it, climb in and drown. Works every time!

La Chili said...

Gracias María.

Thank you Mari.

Ellen said...

I've heard about the beer method too. Hope you can rectify the problem.