Unschooling and sewing
I was reading Mackville Road blog today, I watched the interview, and I could not not say something about it. I agree whit her on everything.
I think it is very important to speak about unschooling in blogs, because when we do, we are documenting this option, and I found it particulary important to do so in Spanish, since there are no to many resources for it.
So here is some math.
And here some writing practice, he found it really fun and was so pride.
As many could say the big step into doing this is to trust, your kid and yourself.
At first you get very excited about how you are going to teach your kid to love knowledge and to be an explorer.
Then you realize that he already knows that, he was born whit it, and that your work is to not destroy that.
And then you start to really enjoy it (the process and your kid).
Well, at least I am at this point, and that is how it was for me, so let's see what happens next.
Speaking of something else, I wanted to make a gift for my cousin, who is expecting, and I have tried for weeks to make a little pair of knitted booties, it didn't work, because I wasn't in the mood for knitting, so I just sew her one of my DiaperKit diapers, and then I got really happy (but my camera had no battery).
I think it is very important to speak about unschooling in blogs, because when we do, we are documenting this option, and I found it particulary important to do so in Spanish, since there are no to many resources for it.
So here is some math.
And here some writing practice, he found it really fun and was so pride.
As many could say the big step into doing this is to trust, your kid and yourself.
At first you get very excited about how you are going to teach your kid to love knowledge and to be an explorer.
Then you realize that he already knows that, he was born whit it, and that your work is to not destroy that.
And then you start to really enjoy it (the process and your kid).
Well, at least I am at this point, and that is how it was for me, so let's see what happens next.
Speaking of something else, I wanted to make a gift for my cousin, who is expecting, and I have tried for weeks to make a little pair of knitted booties, it didn't work, because I wasn't in the mood for knitting, so I just sew her one of my DiaperKit diapers, and then I got really happy (but my camera had no battery).
Semi-Montessori activity
The other I reed this post by Sew Liberated and I got inspired by it.

I guess to make just separated letters would be more appropiate, but I wanted to give him a sense of time too, so he would understand better how much should he wait for Soccer practice day, and now we are having art classes, with a Montessori teacher, they are great.

I made a little picture of us a soccer ball and a painting, so we can have things in their specific day, and I plastified the lower part so we can move around with just tape.
He does like to touch the words, I just cut them out of sand paper, the tricky part was to write backwards, altough not so much for me, since I am left handed.

I guess to make just separated letters would be more appropiate, but I wanted to give him a sense of time too, so he would understand better how much should he wait for Soccer practice day, and now we are having art classes, with a Montessori teacher, they are great.

I made a little picture of us a soccer ball and a painting, so we can have things in their specific day, and I plastified the lower part so we can move around with just tape.
He does like to touch the words, I just cut them out of sand paper, the tricky part was to write backwards, altough not so much for me, since I am left handed.

My moon time

So I got my moon yesterday, it's so nice now that I'm more aware of my cycle, kind of makes me sad for the lost time (all the one that pass before I knew more about myself) but just a little bit, because the joy of being in myself is greater, to understand the slowing down and present state of mind, I think that if I would meditate this would be the ideal time.
I'm feeling more connected to my son, which is great because we went to my mother's and she likes to control, and even when she try to do it in sweet kind of way, I don't like when she pass over me or tries to make herself nicer than me to my son, it hurts our relationship (mine with my son), but when we are connected like this, it just doesn't matter.
We went to soccer practice on Saturday, it was rainy, and it was the first time for both, it was great, I never practice any sport as a kid, I was able to understand how necessary this is for any child. I enjoy it, and he even more, he got soccer shoes too. When we got back we slept together so nice, warm, cozy, why should we deny our kids co-sleeping when we both want it and enjoy it?
So we are fine, still some times worry about if unschooling is the right thing to do, but not today.
My father
So last night I made for us fruit with yogurt and granola as we always have for dinner and breakfast, and as I was chopping the mango it hits me, that we were 3 for dinner, so I went to get an extra dish and made 3 dinners. It's a very new thing in my mind to understand the trhee of us as family, and I'm not very close to my father (see, that's a thing I can say easily in English, but not in Spanish, at least in my mind there would be much more guilt an then I would go in a long explanation of it), and I didn't live whith him since I was 6, and I have live by myself since I was 18 in a different country that the rest of my family, so this concept is not very well built on my mind, but then we sat for dinner and I remember SouleMama posts on dinner, and I thought we need to make this a ritual, so we can share and give a family concept to my son. Later he went on his grandfather's bedroom (were I never enter) and sit whit him on the bed to watch Russian dances on tv, and later (and also as first thing this moorning), he excercise in the abandoned machine, it's great to see my son getting close to his grandfather, so this is it, family, who would of tought?
Working on the house
It's been a while
It's been a while since I don't write over here, believe it or not, there's is a different felling about writing in English or Spanish, some times I think in English although my mother language is Spanish, for a long while I wasn't allow to speak freely about a very difficult process I'm going thru, I left my country to come to live to another, I felt forced to do it, because of the increassing violence in my county, I wish I would be able to go to live to Canada, but i didn't saw that as an option, since we don't have even residence, so I came to the my parent's country, I just lived here 3 years when I was a teenager, and I had a hard time then, so now I'm getting a little blue, we don't have access to our stuff and we have to live in somebody else's place and this hard for me because I am solitary and I have lived by myself in a different country that all of my siblings since I was 18 years old.
So it is hard, what can I tell, my son shows sadness or angryness too.
So it is hard, what can I tell, my son shows sadness or angryness too.
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