
More on the garden

Flor de calabaza hembra

I'm a little single-minded lately, sorry, only knit and garden, but that's how it's all for now.
Last night I read
Anne of Green Gables total kitsch, but I liked as well read as I folded a mountain of clothes that threatened to devour me.
Not all  pumpkin were fertilized, even with the many wasps, but this is beautiful.
There are many bean pods green, purple and green with purple spots.
Corn grows and grows.
Also the first pod of peas and bean sprouts, garbanzo and fava beans are doing well.

The lettuce is a little rickety but at least not die has not been attacked by slugs.

he beer ran against slugs (thanks to all), but I have to repeat it several nights, last night was very tired.


I finished another wool diaper cover today, I hope soon to have them in my other store.

1 comment:

Xi said...

¡Quiero ver ese cobertor!

¿Tienes algún patrón para una tejedora principiante como yo?
